Sunday, June 5, 2011

Volcano about to erupt

My journey begins with thoughts that propel me to greater heights. Joy finally. For the freedom and adventure always buried and yearned for. It’s been brewing under the surface, now like a volcano it’s about to erupt. I can no longer silence and quieten my dreams…

I feel so much at peace with my decision. Finding my God given purpose and following it to the ends of the world. I want freedom from material baggage. Who needs 3 bedrooms when you only use one? A double garage, when you only have one car. Do I use a different door depending on my mood? A huge backyard you hardly go outside to.

So I want to be break free. I need to detox my system, declutter my home & life, minimise, keep things I really love and need. My prized possessions are my books, family pictures and music. No more baggage. Ask myself what makes me happy? What do I need for my life? I have always wanted peace of mind. Writing gives me that sense of peace. My dream is within my grasp. The question is am I ready to live my life, no limits, not by comfortable standards but a life of purpose?

It’s never too late to make mistakes, be silly, let down your hair and just be. Live in the moment and not carry the whole world on your shoulders. Wondering who will take care of things while I pursue my dreams. Who will do this or that. God gave us all an assignment, I cannot carry yours out for you. I cannot give you fish, you need to learn to fish for yourself. My legacy may not remain in monuments, statues, books of history and big mansions. But t will live in the hearts of those I love. Now is the time for me to pursue my dreams. Ignorance may be strength. But once you know what you need to do, it’s hard pleading ignorance.

* Win the lotto and quit corporate (hee hee hee)
* Travel, volunteer in the rest of Africa - Connect with international NGO’s, work and travel
* Community development work – children, youth, women and communities
* Writing to capture my travels and their struggles and phenomenal unsung heroes who didn’t make the history pages

If all else fails… Then I will pack my bags, next plane back home, pack away my pride, hang up my pen to dry, live humbly and fulfilled that at least I have attempted to live my curiosity, passion, adventurous dreams, seen some parts of the world, touched lives and carry the memories.

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